YOW - Catching Up with Marta Davila

YOW - Catching Up with Marta Davila


With the recent release of her video profile – series we plan to keep for long – we decided to catch up with Marta and learn about her new life in the city of angels, her background, her future plans and her hobbies. At the same time, we kickstart this new format were we want to share a few conversations with our riders from time to time.

Watch now ‘Trial & Error, a Marta Davila Mateu portrait’. The first of our portrait series.

Words by Xué Gil / Photography: Marta’s archive and Maria Farrés

Hey Marta, how is it going in LA?

Oh, LA is great, not even in my best dreams I imagined to fit in so well.

Right! Are you enjoying your time?

Surfing, skating, learning Computer Science and meeting amazing people… I can’t ask for much more!

Sounds good… What’s your favorite thing about CA?

Hmm… That’s a very tough question… The sun? The waves? The people? I don’t know! Don’t make me choose, please!

hehe Yeah we see you are suffering! Much surfing? And surfskating?

So much! I joined the surf team of my university, so I have been competing in surfing for the first time in my life, which has been fun, but above all, it gave me the chance to connect with all these amazing surfers that go to the same school as me. I also have met an amazing group of surfskaters and we go on adventures to rad spots every other week.

Looks like you are having some fun with the crew! Any more explorations coming soon?

The fun won’t stop! We are meeting again in a week to go on another hike to more hidden surfskate locations, we’ll send you videos and photos to make you jealous! Hahaha

Sick! Bring them on! Now for those who don’t know you. Can you tell us what exactly you are doing in LA?

I’m attending grad school at the University of Southern California. Here, I am focusing on the theoretical study of programs and algorithms, hoping to pursue a PhD, and become a Computer Science Researcher and maybe someday even a Professor.

People might not know this, but your previous job was at the European Space Agency launch base at the French Guiana. That’s huge. How was your experience working at the agency?

Working at a launch base, being a (very very small) piece of the human and technical machine that launches rockets into space definitely was a dream, so I am very grateful to have had that opportunity to be part of it. However, French Guiana was not my place. I did not fit in there. Felt lonely, and not having waves around did not help.

I see… I know you didn’t have a special good time in French Guiana and that’s one of the reasons why you decided to move on. That itself set a really great example imo. Putting yourself and your mental health on top of the job no matter how big it was for you. Would you give any advice to someone struggling with the same situation?

It was indeed a big professional opportunity, but happiness and mental health should go above all. You will never be fully productive and therefore your best self in your professional career if you are not in a good mental shape. I know it is scary to let go of companies and positions that look good on paper, but trust me, this is like surfing – the scarier the take off, the more fun the wave is, and if you wipe out, it’s fine, you paddle out and catch another wave. There will always be another wave ready to make you happier.

Word! Now for the ones that have not seen the video yet (you can find it above btw) can you briefly explain who Marta Dávila Mateu is? Where do you come from?

Well… I’m just a girl from a small sea-side town called Sitges, who had the privilege of growing up with two amazing brothers that always pushed her to do more and do better.

You are the only person I know who can study absolutely anywhere. Some even would think you are faking the pictures you upload on your socials, but I’ve seen you studying during the weirdest moments while on tours. What’s your secret?

Hahahaha I’m not a study poser, I promise. And… well… I love to travel, surf and skate, but I also love to study and learn, so I kind of had to learn to study and work everywhere and anytime to be able to combine both worlds. I think the only secret is having a goal, a reason. You know what they say – where there’s a will there’s a way.

About the video: How was working with mr. Lars Goos?

Oooh! Lars is the best!!! He is so easy to film with! Always with a smile, even while we’re weeping the concrete of a spot in the middle of nowhere, or filming in the water with terrible currents and freezing water. I loved working with him!

Did you enjoy filming?

So much! We went down memory lane – looking for old pictures of my family (not many pictures to be found, apparently my family is not into photography), filming at home with my brothers, skating the spots where I grew up… The whole experience was very special.

Any anecdotes? (You know which one I’m talking about)

Haha! glad you asked! Well… we went to the Basque Country to film the surfing scenes, and visit Yow’s headquarters. When we finally had waves, I broke my nose at the beginning of the session on a backside turn… I wanted to keep surfing… not a great idea… but passed out. The memories are a bit blurry, but I remember everyone taking super good care of me: Ferrari, Lars, you… It took me a couple days to finally go to the hospital… ended up needing surgery since my nose was completely moved and it caused problems breathing. Lesson learned: if you break your nose, get out of the water and go straight to the hospital hahaha.

Yup, makes sense!

Some quick questions: Any hobbies outside the surfing and skating worlds?

I love any sport: sailing, field hockey, football, tennis… But I also enjoy reading books about random topics and weird science facts.

Any books recommendation?

Might sound cliché, but I really recommend all the popular science books written by Stephen Hawking: Brief Answers to the Big Questions (personal favorite), On the Shoulders of Giants… I also really enjoyed Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths.

Who are your idols?

ouf.. long list! Hypatia – first well-documented woman in mathematics born between 350 and 370, and died in 415, Thales of Miletus – the first known mathematician, from 624 to 546 BC, Bettisia Gozzadini – first woman to attend university (1237), Elizabeth Blackwell – first woman to receive a doctor of medicine (1849), And I could keep going, so many inspiring people changing history and easing the path for the rest of us.

A surfer?

You know I have always been obsessed with Stephanie Gilmore, but I also really enjoy Mikey February.

A skater? How about surfskaters?

I don’t think I have a specific skater, but I love all the young girls pushing boundaries: Kokona Hiraki, Sky Brown, Misugu Okamoto… As for surfskaters, that’s easy: Alex Pons, Lenart Oblak, Mariona Pujol, Jan Bein, Pau Loski, Yago Dominguez, Hugo Cardoso and Daniela Boldini. Not only my favorite surskaters, but also my favorite crew to go on surfskate trips, they are like family.

Favorite food:

No hesitation – Ben & Jerry’s Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Hehehe.

Sock-sock, shoe-shoe or sock-shoe, sock-shoe?

Haha! there is only one correct answer. Sock-sock, shoe-shoe. Balance matters.

Couldn’t agree more with you hehe. Well Marta, thanks for your time! Hope to see you soon!